Membership Application Portal
Coming soon: The Membership Application Portal to review application status or election eligibility and to continue completing additional application components.
Supplementary Forms
Candidate members are encouraged to use forms below to continue the application process.
- Certification of Completion of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Training: This form may be signed the program director or chair of the OMS training program.
- Peer Evaluation: This form may be signed by any AAOMS membership category except resident member and candidate member. Additionally, the person who signs the Certification of Completion of OMS Training form may not sign a peer evaluation.
- State OMS Society Verification of Membership: This form may be signed by the executive staff or officers of the state OMS society where your primary practice is located.
- Country OMS Society Verification of Membership: This form is for affiliate candidates only. It may be signed by the officers of the country OMS society where your primary practice is located.