American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons Oral and maxillofacial surgeons:
The experts in face, mouth and jaw surgery®

OMS Action Network Participation – Become a Member

Becoming a member of the OMS Action Network is simple, with two pathways available. OMSs can either become a member in conjunction with their role as an OMS leader in a key position or complete one of eight advocacy activities in a calendar year. All OMS Action Network members receive insider information on issues most important to the specialty. No matter which pathway is chosen, all OMS Action Network members strengthen the specialty’s collective voice and advance the cause of the profession.

Questions? Contact the AAOMS Governmental Affairs Department.

Two Pathways to Membership

Path 1: Automatically be a member as a part of these groups:

  • State OMS society presidents
  • State OMS society staff
  • State OMSPAC chairs
  • State Advocacy Network (SAN) members
  • AAOMS Challenge Coin recipients

Path 2: Take action to become a member by completing at least one of these tasks in a calendar year:
