American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons Oral and maxillofacial surgeons:
The experts in face, mouth and jaw surgery®

Faculty Awards

Every year, AAOMS recognizes outstanding achievements by fellows and members with awards presented at the Annual Meeting. Faculty-specific awards include the Daniel M. Laskin Award for Outstanding Predoctoral Educator in OMS, the Donald B. Osbon Award for Outstanding Educator and the Faculty Educator Development Award. Read about each award below.

AAOMS Award Nominations

You admire their achievements. You count on their leadership. You emulate their professionalism. Now it’s time to give that oral and maxillofacial surgery colleague, practitioner, educator, resident or researcher your nomination!

The AAOMS sponsors awards, fellowships and lectures that honor the very best talent, leadership and service in our specialty. The guidelines and eligibility for these honors have been updated and organized by the Awards Nominating Committee and are here for your easy review and consideration.

This committee only reviews nominations that have been submitted by fellows/members and does not make nominations on its own. It makes recommendations on all awards and lectures with the Board of Trustees making final decisions on all award recipients and named lectures.

Forms may be duplicated. Also, please feel free to add pages if sufficient space is not provided. You may either mail or fax your nomination. Be sure to include a curriculum vitae of your candidate as well as a succinct statement with your reasons for nominating the individual.

The annual deadline is Jan. 31.

Visit to view AAOMS award recipients and to nominate a colleague.

Faculty Educator Development Award (FEDA)

Annual FEDA deadline is Jan. 31

The purpose of the FEDA is to encourage promising young oral and maxillofacial surgeons to choose a long term faculty career in the specialty; to encourage promising oral and maxillofacial surgery faculty members who have been on faculty for up to 7 years to continue a faculty career in the specialty; to provide a financial incentive to Commission on Dental Accreditation (CODA) accredited residency training programs to retain current faculty and to recruit new faculty. The award was established to support individual faculty members. The AAOMS Committee on Education and Training (CET) reviews applications and presents recommended recipients to the AAOMS Board of Trustees for funding. In addition, the award guidelines are continually reviewed, evaluated and updated in accordance with policy.