
Once again, AAOMS fellows and members attending the 2024 Annual Meeting in Orlando, Fla., are invited to participate in the OMS Experts video series.

This complimentary opportunity will be held from 7 a.m. to 6 p.m. Sept. 12. Participants will sign up for a 10-minute slot to record two 60-second videos – a personal video for their OMS practice and one for the AAOMS Informational Campaign’s Faces of OMS or OMS Experts video series. Time slots are limited, as this year the video booth will only be open for one day. Early registration is encouraged.

For the personal video, members must submit a Word document of no more than 140 to 150 words for use on a teleprompter by Wednesday, Aug. 21, to marketing@aaoms.org. Participants will then record a 60-second video about the OMS specialty for the Informational Campaign. While members can request to address a specific subject, topic assignments will be made on a first-come, first-served basis and will encompass the entire scope of OMS practice.

Participants must arrive at least 10 minutes before their scheduled timeslot. Members are encouraged to arrive prepared to record, with some limited hair and makeup services available onsite.

View current OMS Experts videos to see how topics are addressed. Most videos will appear on the MyOMS.org public-facing website and possibly be used in AAOMS social media accounts on Facebook, X (formerly Twitter), Instagram, Pinterest and YouTube.

Secure your slot!

Members will be required to sign a consent form and waiver, allowing AAOMS exclusive rights to the footage. Following the meeting, members will be provided with an MP4 file of their personal video.