
Scenes from Boston

Monday, Sept. 27
Tuesday, Sept. 28
Wednesday, Sept. 29
Thursday, Sept. 30
Friday, Oct. 1
Saturday, Oct. 2

We'll be sharing highlights and images from the #AAOMS2019 Annual Meeting. Check back daily to see what's happening!


Saturday, Oct. 2

Friday, Oct. 1

Thursday, Sept. 30

2021 Scientific Poster Winners

Wednesday, Sept. 29


2020 Annual Meeting Awards

2021 Annual Meeting Awards


Tuesday, Sept. 28

Monday, Sept. 27


Monday, Sept. 16
Tuesday, Sept. 17
Wednesday, Sept. 18
Thursday, Sept. 19
Friday, Sept. 20
Saturday, Sept. 21

Saturday, Sept. 21

Nearly 4,000 OMSs, staff and other attendees gathered this week in Boston to learn about the latest innovations, conduct business and network at the 101st AAOMS Annual Meeting.

The meeting concluded Saturday afternoon with a full day of education, including team-based learning, Master Classes and the final day of the exhibition in Boston Convention and Exhibition Center. Ten clinical tracks covered the entire OMS scope at the meeting – tracks on Saturday focused on cosmetic and dentoalveolar surgery.

Offered for the first time at an AAOMS Annual Meeting, two sessions of Basic Emergency Airway Management allowed participants to practice and master critical techniques for administering and monitoring office-based anesthesia. OMSs were able to attend with their staff.

Attendee Dr. Joe Pierse of Phoenix, Ariz., said the module stands apart from Basic Life Support training or Advanced Cardiovascular Life Support or Pediatric Advanced Life Support.

“It’s a combination approach to emergency airway management,” he said. “We’re trained, but this is about collaborating with staff. At least the lead surgical assistant in every practice should take these courses. There would be a benefit for staff to see what’s going on. We have to be prepared for everything.”

Also new this year, practice management sessions were included in general registration for greater convenience. Of the more than 30 practice management courses offered, a session on surgeon ergonomics discussed injuries that could impact OMSs and shared mobility and fitness strategies to help avoid disability. Speakers guided attendees through proper squats, standing and other exercises.

“If we can try to keep a straight posture and try to limit the amount of time we’re spending in these bent-over postures, we’re going to be better off,” speaker Dr. Julie Chavez said.

“An easy thing to do, if your patient is OK with it, have one of your assistants take some photos of you as you’re doing a procedure and then go back and look at that. I think you’ll be surprised at what you see and what postures you’re in in a normal day.”

Running opposed, oral abstracts opened the meeting’s educational programming on Thursday morning. The winners are:

“We’re literally bringing the computer into our theater,” he said.

  • Cosmetic, Orthognathic, OSA – Accuracy Evaluation of Virtual Surgical Planning (VSP) in Orthognathic Surgery: Comparison between CAD/CAM Fabricated Surgical Splint and CAD/CAM Cutting Guides with PSI; Resi Pucci, MD
  • Cleft and Craniofacial, Pediatrics, Trauma Management – An Insertion Instrument for Improved Implant Positioning in Orbital Reconstruction; Ruud Schreurs, MSc
  • Dental Implants, Dentoalveolar – A Review of 120 Coronectomy Root Retrievals; Bizhan Shokouhi, BDS
  • Head and Neck, Pathology – Biomaterials-based Cancer Immunotherapy in Preclinical Models of Treatment-resistant Head and Neck Cancer; Simon Young, DDS, MD, PhD
  • Anesthesia, Other, TMJ – Development of a Cause-based Treatment for Nitrogen Containing Bisphosphonate-induced MRONJ; Adarsh Yagnik, DDS
  • Nerve Repair, Other, Reconstruction – Is the Donor Site Morbidity a Real Issue in Selecting a Specific Donor Site in Maxillomandibular Reconstruction? Comparison between DCIA Flap and Fibula Flap; Resi Pucci, MD

Posters were presented Friday afternoon. Winners are:

  • Anesthesia – Poster 03, Dexmedetomidine Versus Propofol and Fentanyl for Deep Sedation/General Anesthesia during Third Molar Surgery; Jeffrey Delgadillo, DDS
  • Dentoalveolar – Poster 16, A Multimodal Analgesic Protocol for Third Molar Removal Was Not Detrimental to All Health-related Quality of Life Outcomes: An Exploratory Study; Elisa Hannan, DMD
  • Dentoalveolar – Poster 18, Comprehensive Computed Tomography Ordering Guidelines for Odontogenic Infections; Jennifer Dolan, DDS, MPH, MHSA
  • Pathology – Poster 48, Low Recurrence Rate Using 5-fluorouracil in Managing Odontogenic Keratocysts: An Initial Report; Mohamed El-Rabbany, DDS, MSc
  • Reconstruction – Poster 51, CTRead – A Revolutionary Approach to Training Residents in CT Facial Bones Interpretation; Wendall Mascarenhas, DDS, MD, CM

Looking ahead, the 2020 AAOMS Annual Meeting will take place Oct. 5-10 in San Antonio, Texas.

Friday, Sept. 20

Evidence-based research, new technologies and emerging trends highlighted the learning Friday during the 101st AAOMS Annual Meeting at Boston Convention and Exhibition Center.

The schedule featured educational sessions – including didactic and hands-on opportunities – as well as the Exhibit Hall full of more than 200 exhibitors.

During the inaugural session Stop the Bleed, participants watched a demonstration of putting on a tourniquet before practicing themselves in small groups. OMSs, their staff, spouses and other nonmedical attendees could attend either of the two sessions that are part of a national awareness campaign that encourages bystanders to become trained to assist in a bleeding emergency before professional help arrives. The campaign was launched after the Sandy Hook shooting.

“I know people involved in Sandy Hook. I don’t live that far from there,” Dr. Michael Safian said. “When I read the description and saw it came out of that, I felt an obligation to those people to learn and to be able to provide the services, God forbid they should need them.”

With references to numerous studies, the Chalmers J. Lyons Memorial Lecture discussed how to diagnose, prevent and treat concussions. The potential effects of concussions and repetitive head impact exposure on long-term neurocognitive health was addressed.

Speaker Dr. James Eckner outlined the benefits and challenges of in vivo head impact monitoring and injury biomarkers and described how concussion management has shifted from “rest is best” to more of an “exercise is medicine” philosophy.

“I do think in some individuals repetitive head impacts and concussions do have long-term effects,” he said. “There are probably genetic factors we don’t yet understand. There are probably things that have to do with the timing, duration and intensity of exposure. It’s a really complicated question we’re just beginning to get a handle on right now. We have a long way to go. To ultimately answer these questions is going to take a prospective study.”

The clinical tracks on Friday focused on anesthesia, pathology, TMJ and reconstruction. Plenary sessions shared the latest research before breakout sessions allowed for more discussion.

The reconstruction plenary reviewed current and developing technologies. Speakers described treatment options and planning techniques for midface, orbital and mandibular reconstruction. Speaker Dr. Leander Dubois discussed virtual surgical planning for orbital reconstruction

“We’re literally bringing the computer into our theater,” he said.

Elsewhere in the convention center, posters were judged in more than 10 topics.

On Friday night, the President’s Event celebrated President Dr. A. Thomas Indresano and his wife, Rita, with music, food and a chance to take a swing in a batting cage and walk on the warning track at Fenway Park. Boston Red Sox legends Carlton Fisk and Curt Schilling were on hand to sign autographs.

The Annual Meeting concludes Saturday with a full day of education and the third day of the exhibition. Highlights will include the cosmetic and dentoalveolar surgery tracks, Basic Emergency Airway Management (BEAM) and team-based education.

Thursday, Sept. 19

Six sessions of abstract presentations kicked off the educational portion of the 101st AAOMS Annual Meeting on Thursday morning in Boston, focusing the meeting’s theme on research and innovation.

Presenters from around the world shared their abstracts on topics ranging from trauma management to nerve repair at Boston Convention and Exhibition Center.

Following the meeting’s theme of Envisioning the Future of Research and Innovation, 10 clinical tracks are delving into new developments to address the full OMS scope. In each track, a plenary session shares the latest in research before breakout sessions offer an opportunity for additional discussion. Thursday’s tracks covered dental implants, pediatrics and cleft, trauma and orthognathic surgery.

In the dental implants plenary that explored state-of-the-art, speakers presented surgical methods and time-effective patient therapies.

Speaker Dr. Marcus Abboud discussed using analog and digital methods to deliver immediate restorations.

Patients want to undergo fast, predictable procedures, and one-stage procedures have increased in number quickly, from 600,000 in 2010 to more than 1.4 million in 2016, he shared.

““Implants do work. The only question is which workflow do we utilize in order to have the best benefit?” Dr. Abboud said. “We combine that with digital dentistry and immediate restoration to achieve function and esthetics for these patients, and we get amazing benefits with a very happy patient at the end of the day.”

Overall, educational sessions explored new materials, technologies and techniques. The orthognathic surgery plenary addressed the topics of advances in virtual surgical planning, unconventional osteotomies, clear aligner technology and ambulatory orthognathic surgery.

Dr. Gabriella Tehrany shared the importance and benefits of ambulatory orthognathic surgery when considering cost of care, limited bed availability, nosocomial infection and patient comfort. She and her team perform the ambulatory surgery at a large teaching hospital, which was not always the type of setting for this surgery.

During the presentation, Dr. Tehrany reviewed what her team uses to minimize time, bleeding and soft-tissue injury, including virtual treatment planning, locking miniplates and an anesthetic protocol.

“Patients often ask, ‘Am I going to be in a hospital for a week?’” she said. “When I tell them they’re going to be discharged home and educate the patients, they get it.”

The lectures moved to smaller sessions in breakouts. One breakout session in each track tackled research and innovation. During a trauma breakout session on research, Dr. Daniel Buchbinder shared a video of a new, multipurpose surgical trainer that allows participants to try three procedures, including orbital floor reconstruction. Benefits of simulation include immediate feedback and skill development, he said.

“The idea here is we did not want to build an expensive toy, but we wanted to really be able to build something that had educational value,” Dr. Buchbinder said.

The Exhibit Hall also opened Thursday morning and concludes Saturday afternoon at Boston Convention and Exhibition Center. More than 200 exhibitors are displaying their products and services. The educational sessions also continue Friday, and the President’s Event will celebrate President Dr. A. Thomas Indresano and his family in the evening at Fenway Park.

Wednesday, Sept. 18

The House of Delegates welcomed Dr. Victor L. Nannini as the 2019-20 AAOMS President and Dr. Debra Sacco as the first woman to serve on the Association’s Board of Trustees on Wednesday morning at the 101st AAOMS Annual Meeting.

Dr. Sacco, who practices in North Carolina, will serve a two-year term as District III Trustee, replacing Dr. Robert S. Clark, who was elected as AAOMS Treasurer.

“This is a historic event,” Speaker of the House of Delegates Dr. Steven R. Nelson told the gathering of Delegates, guests and staff at the House third session at the Westin Boston Waterfront Hotel.

For the other Trustee election, Dr. David Shafer was voted to continue serving as District I Trustee.

In his inaugural address, Dr. Nannini revealed his vision for AAOMS in the coming year, thanked his family and promised to help protect the OMS anesthesia team model.

“I am deeply humbled and honored to be standing before you as the next president of the American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons,” he said. “I am humbled because of the enormous task ahead and honored because you – my colleagues and friends in the House of Delegates – have given me this opportunity.”

“As we head into 2020 and the final year of our three-year strategic plan, we will consistently and emphatically support preserving and protecting our ability to deliver safe and effective anesthesia for our patients.”

Registries are collecting anesthesia data from participating members to help defend the team model, Dr. Nannini noted, and the Board of Trustees and OMS Foundation have each pledged $75,000 to facilitate a study on anesthesia and patient safety. Dr. Nannini highlighted upcoming events and initiatives for his presidential term, including the construction of the OMS Institute for Education and Innovation, which will host courses and meetings at AAOMS headquarters.

“By working in both the private and academic sector, I feel I have a grasp on many of the issues that affect both groups,” Dr. Nannini said. “It is vital that we as an organization always maintain that critical balance to ensure that we provide opportunities and representation for all of our members.”

Other officers were elected: Dr. B.D. Tiner will serve as President-Elect, Dr. J. David Johnson Jr. as Vice President, Dr. Clark as Treasurer and Dr. Steven Nelson as Speaker of the House of Delegates.

Dr. A. Thomas Indresano received the President’s plaque and pin before delivering his retiring President’s remarks. His wife, Rita, received the President’s spouse gift.

“We accomplished great work this year, and we have more to achieve in the upcoming year,” Dr. Indresano said. “We have many exciting projects ahead of us. I look forward to seeing everyone’s hard work pay off and the specialty continue to advance.”

Retiring Immediate Past President Dr. Brett L. Ferguson also was recognized while “Kansas City” played.

In addition, the following also occurred at the House of Delegates session:

  • The report on Annual Meeting attendance showed 3,510 attendees, including 1,659 fellows and members, before onsite registration began.
  • Deceased fellows and members were recognized. Each Trustee placed a rose in a vase during the reading of each name. Attendees stood for a moment of silence.
  • Retiring District III Trustee Dr. Clark was presented a certificate and his wife received a bouquet.

In the evening, world-renowned hacker Pablos Holman explored the minds of innovators during the Keynote Lecture before the following award recipients were honored during the Opening Ceremony, Awards Presentation and Meeting Dedication:


On Thursday, the Annual Meeting’s educational programming gets underway and the Exhibit Hall opens at Boston Convention and Exhibition Center. Abstract presentations will begin the day before some of the meeting’s more than 300 speakers present educational sessions that include clinical tracks, practice management sessions and hands-on courses. Over 200 exhibitors will show off the latest products and services during the three-day exhibition.

Tuesday, Sept. 17

The House of Delegates approved a resolution on Tuesday at the 101st AAOMS Annual Meeting that directs the Board of Trustees to develop a statement regarding tobacco use and e-cigarette and vaping products as soon as possible with a press release and a full policy to follow.

The vote occurred as deaths and illnesses associated with e-cigarette use or vaping have been reported in the national media.

In other business, the House of Delegates:

  • Approved a resolution that, effective next year, dues-paying members, fellows and candidates be assessed $350 per year for each of the next three years for supporting the AAOMS Informational Campaign that informs the public of OMSs’ expertise and experience. Members in discounted dues categories receive proportionate reductions and current, active-duty military members are exempted.
  • Approved an amended resolution that the Board of Trustees consider strengthening the Office Anesthesia Evaluation program by including these requirements:
    • Required recurring emergency airway management simulation training.
    • Mandated use of certified anesthesia assistants for moderate and/or deep sedation/general anesthesia.
    • Recurring survey of member anesthesia activity, including number and levels of sedations.
    • The Board is to report to the House of Delegates on this matter at the 2020 Annual Meeting.
  • Approved a resolution that a special House of Delegates committee with district representation be formed to review the process of Delegate allocation and report back to the 2020 House of Delegates.
  • Approved the 2020 operational budget as part of the consent agenda.
  • Adopted the report of the Committee on Membership, which includes 230 candidates recommended for election.

On Wednesday, officers will be elected during the House of Delegates’ final session. Later in the day, world-renowned hacker Pablos Holman will deliver the Keynote Lecture before members are honored during the annual Opening Ceremony, Awards Presentation and Meeting Dedication.

Monday, Sept. 16

A. Thomas Indresano, DMD, FACS, reflected on a year of anesthesia initiatives and numerous accomplishments during his President’s Address on Monday at the 2019 AAOMS Annual Meeting.

“It is a privilege to stand before you this morning to report on the activities of your Association during the past year,” he said during the House of Delegates’ first session at the Westin Boston Waterfront Hotel. “I have been sincerely honored to serve in this role, see our specialty grow and make advancements on many important projects. There have been many memorable moments since I stood before you in Chicago last fall to share my goals for my term as AAOMS President.”

The accomplishments Dr. Indresano reviewed included advancements in anesthesia training through the new National Simulation Program, the start of construction of the OMS Institute for Education and Innovation and the updated Office Anesthesia Evaluation manual.

The new OMS Quality Outcomes Registry (OMSQOR) and Dental Anesthesia Incident Reporting System will collect data to assist with research, education and advocacy, Dr. Indresano said, and AAOMS is making progress with the development of an OMS National Curriculum, a learning management system for residency programs that is expected to provide precise expectations and consistency across residency programs.

Notable events during the year that provided valuable research, education and advocacy opportunities ranged from the Clinical and Scientific Innovations for Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery (CSIOMS) and the Pediatric Anesthesia Patient Safety Conference to Day on the Hill.

“Our Association has enjoyed numerous accomplishments in every arena: advocacy, education, data and research, the OMS Foundation and the Informational Campaign,” Dr. Indresano said. “I am proud of all the successful events we organized, valuable resources and programs we developed and our varied contributions to the specialty.”

Dr. Indresano also recognized ROAAOMS’s 25th anniversary, presenting an award to Delegate Dr. Thomas Burk, president of the organization’s executive committee.

“Thanks to the initiative of its leaders – many of whom have gone on to play an active role in AAOMS – ROAAOMS has grown from a forum for residents to an opportunity for them to contribute to our specialty before they enter practice,” Dr. Indresano said.

Other highlights of the first session were:

  • Candidates were nominated for office – Dr. B.D. Tiner for President-Elect, Dr. J. David Johnson Jr. for Vice President, Dr. Robert S. Clark for Treasurer and Dr. Steven R. Nelson for Speaker of the House of Delegates. The Delegates will vote on Wednesday.
  • The 50-year anniversaries of the Maryland, Missouri, Rhode Island and Western OMS societies were celebrated.
  • CALAOMS Executive Director Pamela Congdon and OMSNIC President and CEO William Passolt were elected to receive honorary fellowship in AAOMS at the 2020 Annual Meeting in San Antonio, Texas.
  • Dr. Deepak Kademani was elected as director to ABOMS.

During Reference Committee hearings in the afternoon, information was shared about 11 resolutions that the House of Delegates will vote on Tuesday. Presentations provided details on the AAOMS Informational Campaign, anesthesia issues and initiatives, the OMS Institute for Education and Innovation as well as OMSQOR.

The second and third sessions of the House of Delegates will take place Tuesday and Wednesday during the Annual Meeting.


We are sharing highlights and images from the #AAOMS2018 annual meeting. Check back daily to see what's happening!