
Become a Member of ROAAOMS Executive Committee

The Resident Organization of the American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons (ROAAOMS) was established in 1994 in order to provide OMS residents a forum for discussion of resident issues, to indoctrinate residents into organized dentistry and medicine, and to support residents in their development as future leaders of the specialty.  Since the organization’s inception, great advances have been made in the formalization of ROAAOMS.

The ROAAOMS Executive Committee is comprised of 12 individuals who include President, Vice President, Immediate Past President, three committee liaison representatives and six district representatives.

Comprehensive operating guidelines have been developed to allow ROAAOMS to function under the auspices of the AAOMS.  In addition, a strategic plan ensures that the organization continues to follow its vision, purpose and mission.  ROAAOMS continues its efforts to increase resident awareness and encouraging OMS residents to take ownership of and become involved in their specialty. A network of residents (one program liaison per residency training program) has been developed to assist the committee in communicating important information and upcoming events to all residents.  In addition, ROAAOMS is committed to reaching dental students to not only educate them about the specialty, but also to nurture and improve relationships between dental students and OMS residents.  By initiating this dialogue with dental students, ROAAOMS hopes to interact with the future leaders of dentistry and create the opportunity for lifelong relationships with their professional colleagues.  

As District Representative, you would represent the ROAAOMS membership of the AAOMS geographical district on the Executive Committee, maintain active liaison with training programs and constituent members in your district and present on the contemporary practice of oral and maxillofacial surgery to dental students, dentists, and other specialties, in order to increase participation, knowledge and to enhance patient treatment through appropriate referrals. As an official resident representative, you would be expected to participate in various ROAAOMS meetings and activities such as, ROAAOMS executive committee conference calls and one two-day on-site meeting, and attend the AAOMS Annual Meeting. 

Candidates for district representative and Vice President must submit an application along with their election platform outlining their goals for the resident organization, including implementation strategies, to the AAOMS Division of Advanced Education and Resident Affairs.

These items will be processed and distributed during the annual ROAAOMS business meeting. Vice President candidates will be presented and elected by residents in attendance while six district representative candidates will be introduced and elected by ROAAOMS members from their respective geographical districts. Candidates not elected to Vice President may run for district representative. The candidate for Vice President will serve a three-year term on the Executive Committee: the first year as Vice President, the following year as President and the final year as Immediate Past President. District representatives serve a one-year term and can be re-elected to a second term at the following Annual Meeting program.

If you are interested in serving on the ROAAOMS executive committee please complete an application by Aug. 1. If you have any questions, please contact Laurie Oddo, Advanced Education and Professional Affairs